Comeback Connection Grant 
Application Process

1. Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis and reviewed no less than once a quarter.

2. Each application should contain supporting documentation (examples include proof of hardship, insurance denial letter, cost estimates, etc). Comeback Connection reserves the right to request additional information, if necessary.

3. Each grant will be for a specific amount based upon the supporting documentation, not to exceed $500.

4. The identity of applicants will remain anonymous during the approval process. Approved applications will no longer be anonymous, except by request of the applicant.

5. Applicants will be notified by the preferred method of contact chosen on the application. If none chosen,  they will be notified by mail.

Please click here to download the Grant Application.

Application should be mailed to:
Comeback Connection
Attn: Grants
5 Warwick Place
Cincinnati, OH  45246